<aside> 💡 This page describes the workshop exercise The Long Table.



A classic way of using MethodKit is the Long table. Above we talked about Sweden today & Sweden 2048. We used MethodKit for Society & Politics.


This exercise help you define a topic on a big table. This exercise normally takes 30 to 120 minutes and works well with many people. The exercise is made for MethodKit for [...] cards. We especially like to use the ones on big topics like MethodKit for Cities, for Society & Politics, ‣, for Cities at Night and for Neighborhoods.

A. Preparation

Understand how to prepare & setup.

Below we talk about how to set up tables, paper, cards and rows.

Table setup

You need a long table.

Preparing the workspace

Cards & Rows. There are two main options to setup the cards on the table.

B. Workshop structure

Understand the workshop and its parts.

Instructions & steps

  1. Introduce exercise (∼ 5 min)
  2. Define current situation (∼ 20-40 min) The first part is to write things in the row that represents current situation. (In this case the two rows closest to the cards.) Participants only write things related to each card, in the (imaginary) columns.
  3. Envision the future (∼ 20-40 min) The second part of this exercise is to write down how they envision the future. The two rows closer to the middle. They only write things related to the card, in each columns.
  4. Reflection & sharing Talking about what you did together. Read more →Reflection

So now you know what to do, below follows how to do it:

In-depth instructions

These steps are divided into different phases.

Step 2

Step 3 Same phases as step 2.

C. Notes toThe Facilitator

Tips & tricks on what to think about.

D. Customization

For advanced & expert facilitators

Customize the workshop and make new tailored setups.

E. Visual examples

See examples of the workshop in action


One group work on one mapping, space effective as only half the length is needed.


Two separate groups to do two different mapping on the same topic at the same time.

Participants - 👩🏻‍💼👨🏻‍💼

A few to 50-60 people.

Time - ⏱

40 minutes to 2 ½ hours.

Material - 🖍



One MethodKit for [...]



Place making (Long table)

Society of the Future