<aside> 💡 A kit that helps you discuss the society in which we live.


The society we live in defines the lives we live, and the politics shapes our society. Some policies help people blossom, some might push you to the curb. At best we all have a say in the direction of society, but in reality that's seldom the case. By discussing the complex nature of the society we live in, we can recollect how everything is related.

The kit provides a shared language to help you discuss the complexity of society, from peoples daily cycles, government decisions to how everything fits together.

How to use

This kit includes a few sorting cards

The turcoise cards describe Understand the layers specific to Society & Politics.

Picture from a workshop about Sweden now & 2048. The two rows closest to the cards were used to define Sweden today. The two inner rows to envision the future.

Picture from a workshop about Sweden now & 2048. The two rows closest to the cards were used to define Sweden today. The two inner rows to envision the future.

Read more:

Background: For Society & Politics

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