<aside> 💡 A kit that helps you discuss & plan how to conduct workshops.


Like any event, the better the planning the more spontaneous and relaxed you can feel and act. Running a workshop has endless possibilities of becoming absolutely great. It can go on for a few hours to several days all depending on what the purpose is. It can be held to strengthen the bond between co-workers, educate, inform, achieve goals. For you to fulfill the purpose of running a workshop there can be a lot of topics to include in the planning. This kit helps you with that.

The kit provides a shared language to help you conduct and discuss (all sides of) great workshops, from planning to user insights to evaluating results. Talk about details and the big picture, from nations to passion projects. Use it together with your co-organizers or on your own.


How to use


Get the kit

MethodKit for Workshop Planning

The kit can also be downloaded for free.