
The workshop involved participants from the ANET Centre and the Fantastic Studio as the first session of a series of workshops to come, and the first collaboration between the ANET Centre and the Fantastic Studio.


The participants were split into three groups of four. Day one was concerned with getting a general idea of the islands, the problems surrounding them and general solutions to these. During day two the ideation process delved deeper into the specific problems and solutions of the islands. Thus the different problems and general solutions that the groups had come up with the previous day were clustered into working titles for them in order to give a better structure to the idea development process. Each group was then asked to take one specific problem from each heading and then start coming up with plausible solutions to these problems. There were three headings with three subheadings under each. They were: Education, Commerce and Resources.




1.1. Locals outside of the school system 1.2. Locals inside of the school system 1.3. Non-locals. Tourists and outsiders


2.1. Agriculture/Fisheries 2.2. Diving 2.3. Tourism


3.1. Water 3.2. Waste Management 3.3. Energy


1. 1. EDUCATION OF LOCALS. (outside the school system)– SHG’s for women, cottage industries with an interactive platform for networking and communication between different groups.– Sustainable gram sabha’s/ youth forums.– Island ecology education in college.– Platform for facilitating local entrepreneurs and traders.– Increased involvement with government organizations, local NGO’s, human and tribal rights organizations for advocacy, RTI.– Service sector training.

1.2. EDUCATION OF LOCALS. (inside of the school system)– valuing and recording local knowledge/ giving locals a platform for input which will make the pupils feel more more responsible for their home environment– including environment/ history and field trips into syllabus– teachers training/ workshops– visual workshops engaging children– community involvement for fund raising